Mahou Shoujo of the End 24 Raw
Month: June 2014
Sakura Sakura 24 and 25
Sakura Sakura 24 and 25 Raw
Nana to Kaoru 91 aka 113
Nana to Kaoru 91 aka 113 Raw
Jisatsutou 121
Jisatsutou 121 Raw
Abnormal-kei Joshi 10
Abnormal-kei Joshi Manga
危ノーマル系女子; Abnormal Kei Joshi
Released: | Author(s): | Artist(s): | Genre(s): |
2012 | Sanada Eleven | Sanada Eleven | Harem, Mature, Psychological, School Life, Seinen |
Read Abnormal-kei Joshi Manga raw Online
High schooler Shiina Shinya thinks that all girls are pretty much good-for-nothing, mostly because he doesn’t understand them at all. That doesn’t stop him from being surrounded by strange girls! Tsubasa Tooka, a cute, much-admired girl, stalks him. Shikimura Masami is majorly into masochism, and has recruited Shinya into her play sessions. Ikari Satsuki seems suspiciously interested in the recent serial stabbings, and seems to want to drag Shinya into it. Banjou Yoruko, a normally quiet, bookish girl, has decided she and Shinya are bound up in some fantasy setting. Uchida Yumeji is the school’s sleeping beauty, who spends all of her time in the infirmary because she requires so much sleep. Shinya brings her newspapers, so she can keep up with current events in the short time she spends awake. Lastly, Okui Akane is convinced she is a vampire. For all Shinya knows, it could be true, but in practice it just means that he has to let her drink his blood. How will Shinya deal with all these good-for-nothing girls that complicate his life? [tethysdust]
Soul Catcher(S) 51 to 53
Ace of Diamond 385
Ace of Diamond 385 raw
Kingdom 390
Kingdom 390 raw
Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo 113
Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo 113 raw